
Edgehog allows creating groups of Devices based on tags and attributes. This makes it easy to target them with fleet operations.

All the concepts used below are detailed in the Core Concepts page, this guide is oriented towards operational details to create a group.

Creating a group

A new group can be created from the Groups section of Edgehog.

When creating a group, the following information must be provided:

  • Name: the display name of the group
  • Handle: an handle matching the ^[a-z][a-z\d\-]*$ regular expression.
  • Selector: a Selector that will determine which Devices belong to this group (i.e. all Devices that match the Selector)

Deleting a group

To delete a group, just press the Delete icon next to it in the group list.

Note that deleting a group means that all automatic operations based on that group (e.g. Update Channel auto-assignment) will cease to work.